An outstanding achievement has been achieved by a team of informatics students from the Kalimantan Institute of Technology known as "Budak Kampus" in the Tenggarong 2022 Hackathon Competition. With a solid team, consisting of Muhammad Fathurrohim, Angela Catherina, and Carmelita Angeline Tanujaya, and supported by the guidance of Nur Fajri Azhar, M. Kom., CIISA, they won 3rd place with an innovative application called "AngkotKu."
"AngkotKu" was born as a smart solution to the daily challenges faced by the residents of Kutai Kartanegara, where difficulty and uncertainty in finding public transportation is a common obstacle. The app was designed with the main purpose of providing assistance to passengers in tracking down the nearest angkot more efficiently, providing a concrete solution to local transportation problems.
Muhammad Fathurrohim, one of the team members, expressed his message and impressions of the achievement. Although "AngkotKu" was initially developed for a competition, his hope is that this application can continue to be developed further. Fathurrohim hopes that "AngkotKu" will not only be a temporary solution, but also able to meet the transportation needs in Kutai Kartanegara in a sustainable manner.
More than just winning the 3rd place title, Budak Kampus is committed to continue contributing to improving transportation accessibility in Kutai Kartanegara through technological innovation. The team's achievements are a source of pride not only for themselves, but also for Kalimantan Institute of Technology. They bring hope for further improvement and growth in the transportation sector in the area.