

  • ITK Achievement Scholarship

Since 2018 ITK has provided full 4-year college scholarships for 40 new students who have passed the SNMPTN or SBMPTN pathways based on grades. The number of scholarship recipients varies annually. This scholarship is offered by ITK. New students who are declared to meet the criteria, will be contacted by the academic section. Information on the 2019 ITK Achievement Scholarship will be further informed.

  • PPA Scholarship (Improvement of Academic Achievement)

Is a scholarship from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education to students who excel in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Given to active ITK students for a minimum of Semester II, a maximum of semester VIII, with a scholarship amount of 400,000 rupiah per month.

  • Bank Indonesia Scholarship

The New Generation Bank Indonesia Scholarship (GenBI) is given to ITK students studying in the Information Systems, Mathematics, Informatics, Industrial Engineering, and Electrical Engineering Study Programs who have completed a minimum of 40 credits, a minimum GPA of 3.00, with a scholarship amount of 1,000,000 every month for a year.

  • IZI Scholarship (Indonesian Zakat Initiative)

This is a tuition assistance program from the National Amil Zakat Institute (LAZNAS) the Indonesian Zakat Initiative Foundation (IZI) which is packaged in the form of a scholarship program and dormitory-based assistance for students who are underprivileged, have high achievements, and have memorized the Qur'an at least 1 juz.

  • PT. Scholarship Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

Starting in 2018, SKK Migas and PT. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) provides opportunities for outstanding ITK students who come from the following areas: Anggana District, Muara Badak District, Muara Jawa District, Samboja District, and Sangasanga District.

  • Balikpapan City Government Scholarship

It is a scholarship from the Balikpapan City Government to ITK students from Balikpapan City.

  • East Kutai Scholarship

Is a scholarship from the Regional Government of East Kutai to ITK students from East Kutai.

  • Bidikmisi Scholarship

For more information visit the following link.